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Animated Mini Icon Dino Egg

Dino Egg

Dino Egg Animated File

Experience: 2 / 41

Level: 5
Species: Dino
Element: Air
Gender: Unknown
Date of Adoption: 2025-01-12 23:53:02
Date of Hatch: Not hatched yet!
Aura: White Aura - 15 / day
Resource: Reptile Scales - 11 / day
Food Consumption: Dragon Food - 0 / day
Hunger: Completely full! (100%)

Description of the Dragon

The Raptor like Dinos are creatures of nature. Their wild nature tends to make them selfish, acting on what only interests them and what they want. They can however become curious about others, always careful on their first meeting. They mostly prefer inactivity but can be very energetic when they wish to be.

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