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I used to be Khaziga in the old DragonAdopters. I have since returned to enjoy this little game once more. Love me my dragons. :) Also, I love the old DeviantArt vibes I get here.

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Felidragon Egg

Felidragon Egg Animated File

Experience: 16 / 29

Level: 2
Species: Felidragon
Element: Air
Gender: Unknown
Date of Adoption: 2025-01-30 07:01:24
Date of Hatch: Not hatched yet!
Aura: White Aura - 10 / day
Resource: Dragon Fur - 0 / day
Food Consumption: Dragon Food - 0 / day
Hunger: Completely full! (100%)

Description of the Dragon

The fickle Felidragon goes through minor character changes throughout their growth. In their younger years, Felidragons are playful, cheerful characters, who enjoy each others company. They are very charming, but can sometimes be shallow. They are easily startled. As the Felidragon gets older, they take on a more serious character. They become stronger, more independent and intelligent, extremely fast on the ground. They are a proud species, with a tendency towards stubbornness. They are always honest, and respected because of that.

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