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Furdragon Hatchling Fire Animated File

Experience: 1 / 101

Level: 19
Species: Furdragon
Element: Fire
Gender: Female
Date of Adoption: 2024-05-22 20:29:26
Date of Hatch: 2024-05-28 19:43:48
Aura: Red Aura - 82 / day
Resource: Dragon Fur - 58 / day
Food Consumption: Dragon Food - 24 / day
Hunger: Starving (20%)

Description of the Dragon

The cute Furdragon hatchling loves to play all day long. Slightly naive in nature, they go along with whatever mischief the other hatchlings tend to get up to. Not being very strong, they normally end up being the first to get hurt in a scuffle. Their wings are too small for flight right now, but will grow later on.

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