||30s - demigirl - OG member 2008 - furdragon fan||
▼ Fuzzbucket's Dragons ▼
Experience: 315 / 530
Level: | 120 |
Species: | Felidragon |
Element: | Silver |
Gender: | Male |
Date of Adoption: | 2022-12-31 05:38:04 |
Date of Hatch: | 2022-12-31 07:03:43 |
Aura: | Silver Aura - 4335 / day |
Resource: | Dragon Fur - 2024 / day |
Food Consumption: | Dragon Food - 100 / day |
Hunger: | Completely full! (100%) |
Description of the Dragon
The ancient Felidragon loves relaxing in the choice sun spots, stretching out and generally just being lazy. Do not disturb a sleeping Felidragon, for their claws are sharp! Although not so active, the ancient is still quite agile on ground, and they also enjoy a flight now and then. They have discovered the art of spiting fire, luckily though their fur is fireproof, so there is no singed fur here!