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Komodo's Avatar

New to the revival! Feed my dragons! >:} (Note: I am not the Komodo who made the site, nor do I work on PixPet. I chose the name without ever being aware of them :P)

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Lizardus Teenager Earth Animated File

Experience: 271 / 313

Level: 69
Species: Lizardus
Element: Earth
Gender: Male
Date of Adoption: 2024-10-14 16:00:56
Date of Hatch: 2024-10-14 16:23:01
Aura: Green Aura - 962 / day
Resource: Reptile Scales - 674 / day
Food Consumption: Dragon Food - 61 / day
Hunger: Completely full! (100%)

Description of the Dragon

The gentle Lizardus teenager can be a little stubborn at times, but that's part of being a teenager. Their wings are at max growth by now, but because of their body size, instead of flight, they use them to keep their massive bodies cool.

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