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Pterodragon Adult Fire Animated File

Experience: 265 / 364

Level: 81
Species: Pterodragon
Element: Fire
Gender: Female
Date of Adoption: 2023-02-22 21:32:54
Date of Hatch: 2023-02-23 20:40:13
Aura: Red Aura - 1322 / day
Resource: Reptile Scales - 926 / day
Food Consumption: Dragon Food - 70 / day
Hunger: Completely full! (100%)

Description of the Dragon

The adult Pterodragons have calmed down a little, and are not so hyper these days, but still loves to fly. They can often be seen giving the younger dragons guidance in different aerial manoeuvres. The wings have grown, the skin on the wings feeling like strong leather. More markings have appeared on the neck and back area, and more chest scales have appeared on the body. The Pterodragons tail are a lot shorter compared to the other species.

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