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Pronouns: He/She/They| I used to play this game as a kid, I find that my nostalgia and my love of Dragons has brought me back to find a restored version! <3 My favourite Dragons are Western dragons, Fur dragons, Dark dragons and Raptors

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Furdragon Adult Earth Animated File

Experience: 92 / 335

Level: 74
Species: Furdragon
Element: Earth
Gender: Male
Date of Adoption: 2024-06-04 23:31:54
Date of Hatch: 2024-06-07 06:41:01
Aura: Green Aura - 1105 / day
Resource: Dragon Fur - 774 / day
Food Consumption: Dragon Food - 65 / day
Hunger: Completely full! (100%)

Description of the Dragon

The adult Furdragons have acute hearing, the best out of all the species. Their wings are fully developed, and the arms are now covered in a soft fur. Their tail still isn't very long but is still growing, and their legs have become muscular. Even as an adult they are still childish in the behaviour, and are very welcoming to any species willing to play with them.

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