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Pronouns: He/She/They| I used to play this game as a kid, I find that my nostalgia and my love of Dragons has brought me back to find a restored version! <3 My favourite Dragons are Western dragons, Fur dragons, Dark dragons and Raptors

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Western Dragon Teenager Earth Animated File

Experience: 72 / 296

Level: 65
Species: Western Dragon
Element: Earth
Gender: Male
Date of Adoption: 2024-10-02 17:24:04
Date of Hatch: 2024-10-07 05:18:49
Aura: Green Aura - 855 / day
Resource: Dragon Scales - 599 / day
Food Consumption: Dragon Food - 58 / day
Hunger: Completely full! (100%)

Description of the Dragon

The Western teenager starts to get little frills growing under the horns, and their appearance is starting to look more mature. Like a typical teenager they occasionally can be grumpy, wanting to be on their own for short spells. They have started to test out their wings, strengthening them to prepare for flight. They have also started to discover the ability of spitting fire, although they are not quite successful yet at producing any real flame.

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